Baldwin Handleset Operating Instructions

(For a 6321 function)

The buttons on the edge of the door control the outside thumb piece. When the TOP button is pushed the thumb piece is LOCKED. When the BOTTOM button is pushed the thumb piece is UNLOCKED.

To LOCK the door from the OUTSIDE:

Put the key into the cylinder, with the cuts on the keys facing up, and turn the key one full turn towards the hinge side of the door. This locks the bolt, latch and the thumb piece all at the same time.

To UNLOCK the door from the outside WITH the bolt thrown:

Put the key into the cylinder, with the cuts on the keys facing up, and turn the key one and a quarter turns towards the lock side of the door. One full turn unlocks the bolt and the last quarter turn retracts the latch and opens the door.

REMEMBER- You must push the bottom button on the edge of the door if you wish to leave the thumb piece unlocked.

To UNLOCK the door from the outside WITHOUT the bolt thrown:

Put the key into the cylinder, with the cuts on the keys facing up, and turn the key one quarter turn towards the lock side of the door. This retracts the latch and opens the door.

REMEMBER- You must push the bottom button on the edge of the door if you wish to leave the thumb piece unlocked.

To LOCK the door from the INSIDE:

Simply rotate the thumb turn one-eight of a turn towards the lock edge of the door. This locks the bolt, the latch, and pushes the top button on the edge of the door that locks the thumb piece on the outside.

To UNLOCK the door from the INSIDE:

Simply rotate the knob in either direction (or push down on a lever) and the bolt and the latch will retract simultaneously.

REMEMBER- You must push the bottom button on the edge of the door if you wish to leave the thumb piece unlocked.

BF April 4, 2007

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